Macbook App Download

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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.

How To Download in Macbook Operating system

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  • Why subscription?

    By TheCrazyCraig
    Would pay the flat fee for the app but refuse to pay a subscription.
  • Good but unfortunate

    By G0LDYEN
    Love CDDA and respect that the guy has to make a profit, but I’d rather just buy it outright than have to do a subscription.
  • Looking for a lifetime subscription

    By Tizzell j
    Is this possible? Why is it per year?
  • Excessive Greed

    By Elite R34P3R
    Yury I paid money for OF and now it’s gone, and in its stead is this greedy app that demands payments left and right. I’m extremely disappointed. I was hoping one day you’d port experimental. Don’t get me wrong in this money hungry world this isn’t the worst that’s been done but it’s still makes me angry that you removed OF. You could’ve kept it and worked on it still, it was like an amalgamation of all your hard work. This just feels like a step backwards. I’ve been here since you dropped OE man, you’ve really been satisfying my need for CDDA for years, and now I might have to do my own ports just to get what I’m looking for.
  • I have to pay for it I think it’s a subscription

    By hk12345678910
    It’s a good game but can you at least remove like half the stuff and make it so you have infinite turns or just make it free
  • Glad to see it back

    By Dantm what
    I’m glad there is still a person maintaining an IOS port. For the time being I likely won’t get this, as I already got the previous version, but I wanted to come and leave a 5 star review because your ports are truly quite good and allow for an otherwise nonexistent experience.
  • It pretends to be normal and then bars you from playing

    By awful house
    I assumed that when I got this I could just play CBN and maybe purchase a sound pack to support the port author like all these ports do. I was instantly mistaken. The game was exactly as it should have been! It had few alterations and even major button shortcuts, which made things a lot more convenient. To those of you who don’t know, on PC, Cataclysm DDA and it’s many other versions are free to play. This isn’t. Don’t let them fool you. Just minutes into gameplay it told me my playtime was up and I had to pay $5.99 just to play a free on pc game on my phone. This is exploiting Apple users (this game doesn’t have these issues on the Android version) into paying WAY TOO MUCH for a game that you can play for free. It’s like making someone pay to go stargazing.
