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  • From 1st ever experience to now.

    By keeeeeean
    Previous review: I absolutely love this app. ^3^!!!~ It’s constantly pushing out new books and shinning light to upcoming creators. I absolutely recommended the small dent this app makes in your pocket if you enjoy the buzzing warm feeling of just absolutely loving every new page you read of a Manhwa/Manga. Honestly you can’t beat the price for the amount of variety they offer- PLUS- what is coming and also who doesn’t like supporting the people who came up with the concepts that we slowly fall in love with or have us rolling around in suspense? I haven’t had any bugs or issues with the app and it’s just overall great I’m my opinion. :) - Review as of 9/14/24: Manta has let out a email after adding the gem perk.. and woof.. it’s definitely not worth it.. every book can either be disappointing or a really good read, but.. honestly.. additional cost for what I was already paying for was a slap in the face to say the least. Some books I read that are now gem worthy aren’t really that good to constantly haft to pay to continue reading. I am reading the last chapters of these books up until my subscription expires. It’s not worth it to me anymore due to it just becoming more in purchase perks app not any different than the competitor .. which is sad because this was my too go reading app before I didn’t even think twice to subscribe when I found this platform because it wasn’t money hungry and it made it so much better for me as a school student to be able to read without having to put the burden on my wallet..
  • Gem system

    By allsla
    it’s a shame, i loved manta because i felt it was the one app that didn’t use paywalls, it’s not nice to see that i pay monthly for unlimited manta and its no longer unlimited.
  • Losing its Appeal

    By Fesaria
    I am a long-time subscriber to the Manta app, and considered it a decent platform during most of that time; however, recent updates are quickly proving to be disappointing. Enough so that I decided to post a review (something I rarely do). Let’s start with the positives: 1. Decent variety of comics on the platform in a range of genres and styles. Not all of them are my cup of tea, but they may suit others. Point is, you’re bound to find enough each to make the monthly subscription worth the cost. 2. Easy to navigate through the app and read comic chapters. The long-standing negatives that have not changed in 2 years: 1. Search system needs an overhaul. Badly. You can’t just view the full list, and can only view filtered results based on keyword or tags. Never know if I have missed finding something I might want to read. 2. Rating system is useless. It’s a 👍👎 system with no true ability to provide accurate recommendations. I wish it would allow me to rate based on whether I like/dislike (a) the story premise; (b) the art style; (c) the posting schedule/episode length. Because there are often times I like the story, but either the art style or episode length (or both) turn me off. I feel a more nuanced rating system would help me and the app understand what interests people. 3. Be prepared for unresolved endings. It is very common for stories to go on permanent hiatus, never to return. Or to finish a season with no idea when the next will begin (some never do). Now, the app can’t help it if the content creators run behind on schedules or take unexpected, long breaks. What I find frustrating is the lack of communication and transparency as to the status. Simply throwing up an “on hiatus” message and thanking me for my patience is lazy. They could do a better job of getting realistic updates from the creators and pushing them to end users. Just saying. Okay, that’s all the stuff I have had on my mind over the past few years but haven’t bothered to say. Now we get to why I am really here: GEMS. This new feature is infuriating. Essentially, the app is placing a subset of content behind a second, more expensive paywall. Even for those of us who have a monthly subscription. I shrugged it off when they introduced the “read original novels for gems”, as it was a different kind of content ( and one I wasn’t interested in). But now they are introducing new comics that can only be accessed by paying with the new in-app currency. At 3 or 4 gems an episode, and a gem costing an average of $0.12, I would be spending ~ $0.40-$0.50 an episode. The average story that runs to completion is about 100 episodes. Meaning a single story may cost me between $40-$50. Compared to what I average the cost for stories covered by my monthly subscription, that is exorbitant. What’s worst, they are encouraging users to use gems to purchase episodes of comics that are offered in the monthly subscription in order to ‘save’ them. Reason? Because stories are rolled off the subscription platform and shifted into “pay gems to read”. Meaning a story I had access to a month ago with my subscription is now behind a paywall if I want to read it again. They have even brought back comics that were pulled from the platform altogether nearly a year ago. But now they aren’t part of my subscription. I have to pay gems to read them. Outrageous. And as if all of that wasn’t infuriating enough, there is no way to ‘earn’ gems in the app. Other apps I play have in-app currency that can be found/won within the app by performing tasks or whatever. It’s not always a lot, but it is something. At least there is an option to use features that require that currency without spending additional *real* currency. But this app is offering to such option. Which means these gems are really just a way to obfuscate the true cost users are paying by adding a middle layer between paying real money and purchasing the in-app content. I find that to be quite underhanded and insulting. It’d be more honest (and more palatable) to have a multi-tier subscription system. The current ‘base’ subscription and a ‘gold tier’ subscription for those who want access to what they have locked behind gems. But at minimum, Manta needs to offer a way to earn gems without spending real money, or this is going to get ugly very quickly.
  • Unlimited is no longer Unlimited

    By 7oreo7
    I paid the monthly subscription for unlimited. I enjoyed the comics. Then they updated. Now for some comics, you have to buy gems to unlock episodes. As my title says: the subscription is no longer unlimited. I will not be continuing this subscription. Manta has become like all the other comic apps. I would have rather they just increased the subscription. I would have paid that. Update: This was their response- “Hi there! We would like to assure you that you can still enjoy stories with a subscription, without having to buy with Gems. Our intention with the addition of the Buy & Keep option is to give you one more option in how you enjoy our content. To learn more about this update, please see the Notice section in our Help Center." Here’s mine: Lies. The option to buy and keep is a lie. It’s only a buy and keep until you either delete you account or they no longer have the license for the comic. And there are several comics that I wanted to read but only a few episodes were available until I had to pay on top of my subscription. Lies. This is just the company’s way to slowly start introducing this method until all their comics are like this.
  • Ummm

    By Foxz101
    I loved manta and had used it for years until now, I would like a answer as to why we have to all of sudden pay for gems to unlock episodes on top of the monthly subscription. I was willing to pay for a subscription because manta unlimited got me everything, I’m sorry but I don’t have any interest in paying a subscription fee only to pay for episodes as well.
  • This was an incredible service until gems

    By Rebadge
    I understand that an in app currency may be needed for new licenses. However, every other app in this market allows 1 free chapter a day/week per story. This is not an option on manta. If you want to read certain comics you have to pay for every single episode. This ends up being almost $60 per story.
  • Love it! No Gems

    By Kiranate
    I did enjoy this app so much until I just updated it. I wish I hadn’t updated the app because now you can only read all the good stuff by purchasing gems. I use to love only paying the monthly subscription. But now I have to pay the monthly subscription AND pay for gems to read ??? I think I’m good. I get it. They’re trying to make more business but to me this just makes you lose business.
  • Used to love but now disappointed

    By Ms_Bookworm15
    Manta was a subscription based app. I used to have unlimited access to all the comics by paying a monthly subscription. But now they locked the comics behind gems that you have to pay for. I don’t see the point in having a subscription if I still have to pay for episodes. There were some stories that I finished and like to go back and re-read, but now I can’t because I have to use gems. I used to love this app but this recent change is very frustrating and disheartening. I wish they would choose one method: a subscription or the gems.
  • Used to Love but they’ve gotten greedy

    By travelinmaddy
    I already pay a monthly subscription fee to read their comics but now even more comics cost gems that can be obtained through in app purchases. So what good is the subscription for? I understood gems for larger things like the novels but for the comics? that’s ridiculous. If they keep this up or god forbid get more greedy, ill leave the app.
  • Deleting this app

    By ADHDChaosMom
    I loved this app from day one and now the gem option has taken away any interest I have in this app. I paid for the monthly subscription because the stories on here were wonderful. Way to screw up a good thing just for money.
